We quickly added Bannerwise to our list of favorite tools. As an online marketing agency we regularly need new display ads for our clients and Bannerwise supports us with quickly creating creative banner sets whilst saving time and money.
Our customized ads performed surprisingly well. We didn’t expect that before we started our test: even if results toned down after a while, ads created with Bannerwise perform significantly better than ads built with Facebook.
Comparing what our remarketing ads look like before versus what they look like now, is just night and day. It's not only going to help our ads be more effective through the whole customer decision journey but also have more fun with what a lot of people consider to be the boring ads.
It's very easy to create a dynamic ad set. It's easy to set up and use and connecting it with Facebook is an absolute bonus. We see a lot of opportunities. We are now being more creative with our dynamic ads by adding dynamic elements and not making a simple static creative. As result, we are going to have an ongoing social ad campaign.