
ESSENZA HOME boosts its revenues from display retargeting ads by 72%

Boost ROAS
Increased revenues from retargeting campaigns
Conversion rate increase
Increase in conversion rate
Increase in conversion rate on Criteo

ESSENZA HOME is known for its cozy and homey feeling. The brand needed these values and its authentic nature to shine throughout the entire customer journey. Including their retargeting ads.

Fingerspitz redesigned ESSENZA HOME's retargeting ads to be more on-brand using Bannerwise. The agency created custom display and dynamic ads for Criteo, Pinterest, and Facebook, blasting ESSENZA HOME's conversion rate (+65%) and resulting in more revenue (+72%) from retargeting campaigns).

50+ employees



For 60+ years, ESSENZA HOME has inspired people to bring the ultimate home feeling, no matter their location. The brand’s collection of bed linen, terry cloth, plaids, and cushions are made to help people relax and give them that ultimate at-home feeling, wherever they may be.


The challenge


ESSENZA HOME has a clear idea of how to best position and present itself in a highly competitive market. The brand understands the importance of continuous online exposure to keep connecting with its audience and stay top of mind. To further their efforts, the company partnered with Fingerspitz, an experienced online marketing agency.

Fingerspitz helped ESSENZA HOME form a stronger bond with its target audience via ads. However, ESSENZA HOME aimed to maintain a consistent brand image and avoid overwhelming its audience with advertising across multiple platforms. They wanted their retargeting campaigns to align with the ESSENZA HOME brand, leaving a lasting impression and driving sales.

As a premium e-commerce brand, visuals are of crucial importance for ESSENZA HOME. Thus, standard templates won’t cut it. Why? Because they are usually unable to match well-thought-out advertising strategies and include virtually no branding elements. This results in inconsistent branding, a confused audience, and a world of missed conversion opportunities. Therefore, Fingerspitz took back control of the creative process to transform ESSENZA HOME's retargeting campaigns so that they are not only profitable but on brand as well.  


"How to transform ESSENZA HOME's retargeting campaigns so that they are not only fruitful but on brand as well."

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The solution


Visual identity is vital for the ESSENZA HOME brand. So, advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Criteo was a must. But the templates provided by social platforms and Criteo lacked personalization options. Making it difficult to create ads that follow brand guidelines. And social templates also have limited dynamic attributes. Meaning brands are not taking advantage of persuasion techniques that would improve the performance of their ads. 

Therefore, Fingerspitz used Bannerwise to create dynamic display and social ads. 
As the Creative Management Platform empowered Fingerspitz to create custom, on-brand dynamic ads for display and social advertising channels. Interactive elements such as sliders and dynamic rules were included to increase the relevancy of the ads. All without the use of any coding skills. Making it easy and efficient to create on-brand visuals.

The online marketing agency started by creating a template that includes dynamic rules and conditions. For example, dynamic elements such as free shipping or sale price were added. From there, based on customer feedback, Fingerspitz created two types of ads: one for light mode and one for dark mode users. Combine all of this with  ESSENZA HOME's unique brand assets, and you get branded ads that reflect the ESSENZA HOME essence.


"ESSENZA HOME wanted its brand values to shine through and connect with its target audience throughout the entire customer journey, including its retargeting."






The result


Bannerwise’s unique partnership with Criteo enables brands to use Criteo’s leading technology while keeping full creative control. And the results do not disappoint. Dynamic display ads with Bannerwise resulted in a mind-blowing 93% increase in conversion rate on Criteo compared to advertising created by Criteo. And social retargeting campaigns also performed powerfully. ESSENZA HOME witnessed a 65% increase in conversion rate and a 72% increase in revenue from retargeting campaigns.

And did these new adverts contribute to an increase in brand awareness and a more recognizable brand identity for ESSENZA HOME? Absolutely, as shown by the increase in the Share of Search. In two months’ time, the e-comm’s brand share of search went from 9% to 17%.

Morale of the story? Branding and performance don’t have to be at odds. In fact, both concepts should go hand in hand for a winning combination. If you want to get the most out of your retargeting efforts, create on-brand cross-channel ads that highlight a brand’s values while being memorable. 





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